Monday, November 22, 2010

What is takes to become a CRMS cheerleader

Crms cheerleading is not as easy as it seems. Next year you will need to try out and these skills are required.

* Toe touch
* Right and left hurdler
* pike

* High Kicks

* High V
* Low V
* T
* Half T
* Left and right K
* Touchdown
*Low Touchdown
* Candlesticks
* Go or Punch

* Right

Stand through conditioning
* Running
*T- Claps
* Dog Peers
* 10-10-10 (ab workout)

Be Prepared for practice
* Right practice clothes
*hair up and out of face

Be prepared for games
* Uniform
* Hair on top of head with bangs back
* Bow

Make sure you turn in physical form and pay amounts due

Can not get in trouble at school, causes demerits, 10 you get kicked off the team
* Dont use vulgar language
*Dont get in fights or influence fights
* Dont trash talk anyone especially team mates
* Dont talk back to teachers
* No writeups

Be Loud!!!!

Show school spirit!!!!!!


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